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The Covid-19

From Inception to Injection to Remediation

The truth is all in the research literature, but it has taken more than two years of intensive research to create this exposé.


In today's bio-technological world, we have developed a troubling problem. There is a language barrier between the public and those who have been initiated into the PhD level of scientific language. This is how the drug company scientists, technologists, and some doctors can communicate with each other without the public's knowledge.​

To the uninitiated, it all sounds like some obscure, foreign dialect, which for all practical purposes it is. The result is that the public is not made aware of what is real and what isn't, what is life-threatening and what isn't.


Adding to public confusion is the fact that mainstream media is controlled by large-scale corporate interests. They have no interest in truth, which may be counter to their financial interests. They have to rely on "experts", who despite their knowledge, may well have personal, professional, and financial interests influencing their "expert advice" of which the public is entirely ignorant.


This book began early in the COVID debacle when embalmers from around the world began reporting long, white, plastic-like clots being pulled from the veins and arteries of the deceased they were working on.


A deep dive into more than a thousand research studies, and giving herself the PhD level of education needed to make sense of the research being done and technologies being used, has resulted in an astonishing book. The challenge has been how to make the information intelligible to the layperson and still be credible to the scientific community.


The need is urgent. COVID-19 "vaccines" have killed millions worldwide, and the long-term effects ("turbo cancers" is one of the latest buzzwords) are likely to kill millions more.


All our lives we have been taught to trust our doctors, our scientists, and the medical system. The tragic truth is that academia and the medical system have proven to be unworthy of our trust, a fact that must become widely recognized.


The COVID-19 CLOT SHOTS is now available for purchase. Just click the button below.​


​If you are unvaccinated, it will provide you with hard data on the value of your decision. If you and your family are vaccinated, this book will point you in the direction of minimizing the long-term deleterious effects of the shots.


The book is in print production and will ship in early October 2024.


​Special Bonus!


As we speak, thousands of people around the world are receiving vaccinations or boosters from a medical system they have trusted all their lives. In fact, they are victims of the most widespread medical crisis in human history.


At Seedcraft Publishing, we are committed to getting Christine Kent's research on the realities of COVID-19 vaccination out to the general public. You can help.


Purchase two copies or more of CLOT SHOTS, one for yourself and one or more for friends or family members, and you'll receive invitations to three online Question-and-Answer sessions with author Christine Kent as a free bonus. These three sessions will be held at different times and days to accommodate global time zones and personal schedules.


​About Christine Kent

After fifteen years of research, in 2003, medical researcher and author Christine Kent published her landmark book Saving the Whole Woman. In this breakthrough book, she uncovered the appalling statistic that each year one million women in the US alone undergo unnecessary, unwarranted, and life-changing pelvic surgery. Drawing on her years of research, Christine lays out the simple, natural, and anatomically sound methods she developed which many thousands of women worldwide have used successfully to stay out of the operating room.​


In The COVID-19 CLOT SHOTS, Christine once again demonstrates that the truth is out there in the research literature for anyone with the dogged determination and curiosity to find it.


by Christine Kent
205 Pages

“This is a book written by a layperson for laypeople, but it is no amateur accomplishment. Most medical doctors do not know this information, and casual researchers have not taken the time that Christine Kent has to unpack the real dynamics of molecules, cells, the immune system, viral vectors, spike protein, self-assembling nanoparticles, depolymerization, and microbiome destroyers. Even more, the coherent connections she makes among the incoherent individuals and institutions behind the nefarious COVID-19 plot. This book is not an easy read, but now it is all here for those who really want to know the facts in order to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their species.” 

Foster Gamble, President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media, and Co-Creator of the Thrive Movement.

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