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If you are in chronic pain, you just want the pain to go away so you can get your life back.

Hip pain may just start with an ache because you’ve slept too long on one side. Over time, it may become chronic, keeping you awake at night and interfering with your mobility and quality of life.

Save Your Hips

Heal Hip Pain Naturally and Avoid Dangerous Orthopedic Surgery

Then it’s a trip to the doctor. At some point, surgery enters the conversation. There is a good reason for this, and it is not because surgery will make the pain go away. The reason is that you are probably sitting in the office of an orthopedic surgeon.


If you were sitting across the desk from a used car salesperson, you would presume that at least some of what you were being told (if not all) was untrue. Because the person across from you is wearing a white coat, all our lives we’ve been taught to treat his/her every utterance as the Word of God.

Sadly, you and your surgeon have an economic conflict of interest. The first tip-off is the fact that he/she is an orthopedic surgeon. That means they have undergone years of very expensive training. Surgeons become surgeons because they want to do surgery. We have heard many stories from people who have broken a limb and a simple cast was never even one of the treatment options presented to them. Surgically implanted plates and screws, no problem.


It also means the hospital system with which they are affiliated (as they are unlikely to have their own fully equipped surgical suite) has them under continuous pressure to keep their surgical suites filled. Whether the surgeries are medically justified is of no concern to them. 
We are told that the surgery will make the pain go away, which is what we need and want to hear.


Just because we are told this, doesn’t make it true, especially in the longer term.


The human hip joint has made so much of what humanity has achieved possible. The ability to stand upright (which the great apes cannot do), run, lift, and carry remarkable loads have shaped and defined human history. 

However, in the business of modern medicine, in which revenue supersedes the restoration of health, orthopedic surgery has played a leading role in destroying the natural hip joints we were given at birth. 

Our hip joints, which are more than capable of serving us productively for a lifetime, can become damaged and inflamed. In far too many cases, even simple fractures that at one time would have only needed a cast and some recuperation and possibly physical therapy, are ignored for a surgical “repair” or total hip replacement.

While you can replace a suspension part in an automobile that would be indistinguishable from original factory-installed equipment, as much as surgeons try to convince us that the same applies to our joints, this is simply untrue.

Let’s go back to the beginning...Pain.

We have all been taught by the medical system that pain is something to be anesthetized.
In fact, pain is just a symptom, meaning a pointer to something in your body (a root cause) that your body wants and needs for you to be aware of. One of life’s great miracles is that when we successfully address the root cause of any problem, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, or social, the symptom goes away on its own!

In 2013, Whole Woman founder Christine Kent published a landmark book, Save Your Hips.  
The genesis of this book was pain, not the presence of pain, but its absence. Whole Woman had a very active public online forum in 2013 and in one week, two different women posted on the forum that not only was the pelvic prolapse they were experiencing showing dramatic improvement with Christine’s methods, but their hip pain was gone!

For the next fifteen months, Christine sequestered herself in the University of New Mexico Medical School library, reviewing over a thousand research studies, and writing Save Your Hips to provide irrefutable evidence that the vast majority of chronic hip pain sufferers shared the root cause with prolapse sufferers, chronic pelvic misalignment.


In ten chapters, with ninety-four color illustrations, and five hundred citations from the scientific and medical research literature, Christine makes it clear that not only can a chronic hip pain sufferer stabilize and reverse her condition, she is the only one who can. 


The modern medical system only functions because the general populace is kept in ignorance of their own miraculous bodies. Retaking control of your physical destiny requires educating yourself as to the root cause of your condition, clarification of your true anatomy (versus the anatomical errors promoted by medicine), and the commitment to restore yourself to health.


Save Your Hips provides clear, accurate, and detailed information on how to correct the habitual pelvic misalignment that has given rise to chronic hip pain.

Can Christine’s work save every hip? No.


In children even a badly diseased femoral head can frequently regenerate, but not generally with older adults.  However, with persistence, the odds are good that chronic hip issues can be stabilized, reversed, and kept manageable for a lifetime. 


Hip replacement surgery, however, is permanent and inevitably an imperfect replacement for a natural hip joint, which commonly leads to changes in gait and problems with the opposite hip, knees, and even feet. Hip repair surgery, all too frequently leads to multiple surgeries and a lifetime of increasingly debilitating pain.


So if you are ready to take responsibility for your hip health, the pain is there to teach you, to let you know if you’re on the right track. Christine’s path forward with Save Your Hips will give you the education, and practical work and exercises you need to restore your hip health.



The Save Your Hips Exercise Program Video

Instructions for FREE access to your online version of the Save Your Hips Exercise Program Video are inside the title page in the book.


Save Your Hips
Heal Hip Pain Naturally and Avoid Dangerour Orthopedic Surgery

Large Format Paperback - 162 Pages
ISBN 978-0-9701440-2-7
US $ 49.97 plus shipping & handling.

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